Multifaceted™ Happenings

New Spring Scent Collection! (a little late but better than never)

New Spring Scent Collection! (a little late but...

Well, this blog post is super super late. Can you tell multifaceted™ has taken quite a bit of my time lately? It’s honestly been amazing. I’m learning so much and...

New Spring Scent Collection! (a little late but...

Well, this blog post is super super late. Can you tell multifaceted™ has taken quite a bit of my time lately? It’s honestly been amazing. I’m learning so much and...

Happy International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day

"A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let's all choose to challenge." - quote from the official international women's day website March 8 is...

Happy International Women's Day

"A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let's all choose to challenge." - quote from the official international women's day website March 8 is...

multifaceted birthday image - founder Christina Degreaffenreidt


 Today, March 1, is a very special day. IT'S OUR FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! We are beyond thrilled to have our one year anniversary celebration and it is all credited to the...


 Today, March 1, is a very special day. IT'S OUR FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! We are beyond thrilled to have our one year anniversary celebration and it is all credited to the...